Updated as of December 20, 2021.

All of our new policies have been created to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19 within CCHP and New York City.


Is cchp still open?

Yes. CCHP is open for all services onsite, but we continue to take extra precautions to protect our staff and patients.

To ensure your safety and the safety of our staff and patients we are asking all of our patients who have upcoming appointments the following questions:

  • Within the last 10 days, have you been in close contact with anyone who tested positive for COVID-19? 

  • Have you had any of the following symptoms within the last 10 days? Fever, cough, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell?

If YES: We are unable to see you onsite, but we can offer for you to meet with your provider for a telehealth visit instead. We recommend you get a COVID-19 test immediately and would be more than happy to see you at CCHP once you get a negative result or after 10 days of quarantine from the onset of your symptoms. Please email us at primarycare@cchphealthcare.org or give us a call at (212) 360-7700. 

If NO: Great! Please note that if you do come to CCHP exhibiting any of the listed symptoms, you will only be seen by your provider for a telehealth visit and referred elsewhere for COVID-19 testing. 


What services are available?

We have both telehealth and onsite services available. When you book an appointment, our team can help determine which appointment is best for your needs. 

Telehealth Services: As part of our effort to promote social distancing, we will continue to offer virtual telehealth visits. 

  • Individual Counseling: Appointments will be available by phone.

  • Group Counseling: All support and psychotherapy group will continue to be held.

  • Psychiatry: All appointments will be held by phone.

  • Primary care will be offered through telehealth for the following services:

    • Medication reconciliation and refill for well-managed conditions, if in-person or laboratory monitoring is not required

    • Follow-up of testing, treatments or referrals

    • Non-acute symptom evaluation and management

    • Services for patients who are at risk for severe COVID-19 illness

Onsite Services:  While we begin to see more patients onsite, our team is following guidance from the NYC Department of Health and the CDC to prioritize patients for in-person visits.

  • Individual and group counseling is available onsite. 

  • Methadone Dispensing: Our Methadone Medication window is open Monday - Friday, 7AM - 3PM and Saturday 7:30AM - 12PM.

  • Primary care is available Monday - Friday from 8:30AM - 5PM

  • Overdose Prevention: Patients that are coming in to CCHP can continue to access naloxone kits, as well as members of the community. To pick up a kit, you can email mgadot@cchphealthcare.org.

Playroom: We have temporarily closed the playroom.


Is CCHP offering coronavirus testing?

There are two types of Coronavirus testing. 

PCR (Nasal Swab): This test is performed to detect active infection. CCHP is only offering routine COVID-19 PCR testing at this time. This means we are only testing if you need a negative result to travel, participate in school activities or for a medical procedure. If you have been exposed to another person with COVID-19 or are symptomatic, we ask that you visit one of several testing facilities available throughout the city. You can click here to see what is available.

Serum Antibody IgG (Blood Test): This test is offered at CCHP by appointment only. It will detect if you have had prior exposure to COVID-19 and have made antibodies against the virus. As COVID-19 is a new infection, it is unclear if a positive antibody definitively offers immunity. 


Is CCHP accepting new patients?

YES! We are accepting new patients for all of our primary care services. Click here to learn more about what is available.


Are telehealth visits only available through video-conferencing?

At this time, we can provide virtual visits telephonically (using a telephone) in addition to video-conferencing. This may eventually change as regulatory flexibilities granted under the President’s emergency declaration end. 


What steps are CCHP taking to ensure the safety of our patients and team?

  1. CCHP has secured a sufficient supply of personal protective equipment, including face masks, gloves, gowns and face shields for employees. 

  2. Hand sanitizer dispensers are placed throughout the Center for staff and patient use. 

  3. In addition to our regular office cleaning, frequently touched surfaces and our waiting areas are disinfected throughout the day.

  4. Chairs in our waiting areas have been placed and marked for use so as to adhere to social distancing guidelines. 

  5. Whenever possible, patients that have been triaged will be directed to an exam room. 

  6. All employees are vaccinated and required to answer screening questions before they arrive to work.


What is the best way to book an appointment?

You can give us a call at (212) 360-7700 or send an email requesting an appointment to info@cchphealthcare.org.


For those planning to come in to CCHP, a few things have changed:

  1. All patients will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms and possible exposures 24 hours prior to their onsite appointment. 

  2. Patients and visitors will be required to wear a face covering or a mask and use hand sanitizer upon entering the Center. 

  3. Any patient arriving more than 15 minutes late to their appointment may be asked to reschedule their appointment to avoid crowding in the waiting area.


is there any way i can help?

Absolutely. Here are a few ways:

  1. Follow CDC guidelines, practice social distancing and stay home unless you have an essential need to leave the house.

  2. We are in desperate need of supplies (i.e. masks, gloves, hand sanitizer and cleaning supplies). If you have access to any of these, please contact Michelle Gadot, Director of Development & Communications at mgadot@cchphealthcare.org

  3.  Write a booster to our staff! Italy and Spain have begun applauding on their balconies at the end of each day, to show their gratitude to health personnel who continue to work in spite of everything.  At the end of each day, we send out a "Virtual Applause" to our staff that come in and continue to support our patients during this critical time. Submit a message below and we will include it in our daily emails. Let them know how much you appreciate their dedication to our patients and community!

  4. Donate! Now more than ever we need your support.

Donate Now to SUPPORT CCHP's COVID-19 Efforts!

Write boosters to our staff!